Foreign Politics, 5-26-2024, Updates On France, Iran, Moldova, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom

There have been a number of major developments in foreign politics that have unfolded in the past few weeks. In France, there is growing concern over the rioting in New Caledonia to the point where French troops are being brought in to restore order raising the question of what a retreating France on the world stage should do. In Iran, President Raisi and other members of the Iranian regime which has spent time butchering their own citizens perished in a helicopter crash. In Moldova, there will likely be a referendum regarding membership in the European Union on October 20th, 2024, that could make it less appealing of a target for Russian incursions given the situation in Ukraine. In Ukraine, the Russian Black Sea Fleet has apparently been devastated to the point of losing its last missile cruiser despite the former not having a functioning navy to stop them. In the United Kingdom, a recent video surfaced of a traffic cop being harangued by a Muslim motorist alleging racism when the reality was much different. Let’s get to the stories.

Visegrád 24 on X: “France has sent another 600 soldiers to New Caledonia in an attempt to restore order on the islands that are located East of Australia. The anti-France riots from the indigenous people, making up 40% of the pop. are spreading quickly. Via @PawelSokala” / X

Why France is Actually Preparing for War With Russia (

The 12 New Countries That Might Exist Soon (

            Starting off in France, independence movements in New Caledonia aren’t a new phenomenon as the island is made up of a combination of the ethnic Kanak population, white French residents, and other backgrounds thousands of kilometers away from continental France. The difference between New Caledonia’s independence and the proxy war with Russia that is happening in Africa over issues such as the French language and the CFA Franc are that New Caledonia is inhabited by a large number of white French residents. Instead of just being colonizers, the French have become intertwined with the island on some level. Additionally, three referendums were held evaluating support for independence from France in which all three suggested that the island stay with France.

Even if you count the third referendum as illegitimate because it was held during COVID when people were at health risks during voting, the decision by the separatist Kanak parties to boycott the election was a decision that returned a result against them. For all the concerns over the Kanak being at greater health risk, the French and other minorities were also at risk. The issue of independence for all intents and purposes should be settled owing to the decision by the same rioters deciding not to take a vote when it was offered. Beggars can’t be choosers and France offered you an opportunity to make your voice heard. If you say no when food is put directly in your face, you have no right to riot and complain about the terms being unfair.

The Onion on X: “Breaking News:” / X

May 19, 2024 helicopter crash involving Iranian president (

            In Iran, the news of President Ebrahim Raisi perishing in a helicopter crash circulated the headlines as soon as it was speculated that something had happened. While one shouldn’t revel in the destruction of life, Raisi engaged in the torture and slaughter of his own citizens while engaging in worldwide terrorism. For that, his death should be met with a basic dictatorial roast with no complimentary praise given. If that sounds harsh, the torture of young women getting their education or young men protesting the government is harsher. We should appreciate life which is why I am against the death penalty and am pro-life, but Raisi’s absence doesn’t bring a tear of sadness to my eyes so much as it does the opportunity to enjoy a good headline from The Onion.

Visegrád 24 on X: “BREAKING: Moldova’s parliament decides that Moldovans will vote in a referendum on October 20th on whether they want their country to join the EU Via @iamdenya_de 🇲🇩🇪🇺” / X

KUANYSH 𐰌 on X: “@BirthGauge Moldova 2023, number of births decline -11% 2023 – 24,033 2022 – 27,018 TFR ~1.50 (1.69 in 2022)” / X

Europe’s Secret Third World Country (

            In Moldova, the country has announced that there will be a referendum to join the European Union on October 20th, 2024, signaling a further move away from Russia as the country grapples with one of the worst economies in Eastern Europe along with population decline. In addition to the issue of the breakaway region of Transnistria creating a legal hurdle with Russian troops being on NATO’s doorstep, there is also the concern of falling birth rates where the early numbers from 2024 have suggested a fall of about 11% in birth rates from 2022 to 2023, already a bad omen for a country whose economy is struggling beyond the usual financial turmoil of Eastern European standards. This also comes as the question of Romanian-Moldovan unification is being proposed in Romania by some political forces, something that would create an immediate military quandary with the Russian troops suddenly being on NATO soil. The question in the referendum will come down to if the economics of the country will encourage a Russified country on the edge of Ukraine to embrace more liberal Western values in exchange for better living standards.

Visegrád 24 on X: “Looks like the Russian Black Sea Fleet lost its last missile carrier today. It’s likely that “Tsiklon” (encircled in red) was hit by at least 2 Ukrainian ATACMS missiles in Sevastopol early this morning. What you see below is all that is left of the Russian Black Sea Fleet” / X

How the Russian Navy Lost to a Country Without Any Boats (

            In Ukraine, the Ukrainian military has effectively destroyed the last of Russia’s missile cruisers in the Black Sea Fleet leaving the branch of the Russian Navy struggling to wage amphibious warfare against the Ukrainian military in their blockade of the struggling nation. This comes after reports of the Ukrainian military being pushed back on the frontlines after the Russian military has mobilized the entirety of their economy to handle the war and to potentially chalk up hostilities against the Baltic States next. The reason why this matters is that if the Russian blockade loses steam and the Ukrainian military can start receiving more shipments from the sea versus over land, this puts the Russian military in Crimea in danger of potentially being cutoff from the remainder of Russia. This would allow for the Ukrainians to cripple part of the Russians’ key invasion strategy and eventually reorient some of their military forces to the broader frontline to the Eastern part of the country.

Darren Grimes on X: “The law, is the law. Muslim prayer time or not.” / X

            Finally in the United Kingdom, there was a video that was released that showed a Muslim motorist alleging that a traffic cop in Wolverhampton was racist for giving him a speeding ticket. While incidents of racial profiling should be looked at seriously, the tendency to copy faux allegations of discrimination from the United States based off of historical grievances has since spread elsewhere since the system has proven effective in stifling dissent. Arriving late to a religious gathering doesn’t grant someone the right to carelessly drive into an area and risk the safety of others in the pursuit of your beliefs. The police officer wasn’t having any of the nonsense and proceeded with his job as a normal person would do. The reason for showing for this clip is that this is how you handle people who flaunt their faith in an effort to push illegality and double-standards in law: give them the ticket anyway, ignore them when they throw a temper tantrum, give them another ticket if they break more laws, and eventually the temper tantrums stop when you stop giving oxygen to them.

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