Democratic Banter #348, Stefanie Hills’ Condescending Pushback To Harrison Butker’s Catholic-based Speech

Hell hath no fury like a white liberal woman scorned! You know the ones: the same ones that claim Black Lives Matter while immediately clutching their phones ready to snitch on their minority neighbors the moment their child potentially interacts with someone who doesn’t look like Joffrey from Game of Thrones. The same resistance liberals who proclaim love for gay rights and decency in politics who condescendingly love Margaret Sanger’s appeal to eugenics and bashing poor people for daring to have hopes and dreams in this world. You know them, you can’t stand them, and they never put down their phones. The perfect example of this can be seen by ex-Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader Stefanie Hills in her bashing of football player Harrison Butker for his address at the Catholic university Benedictine College in Missouri.

            For those that are unaware, Butker is a practicing Catholic and gave a speech in favor of his faith, politics, and his outlook on the world in the graduation address to the private liberal arts college. The speech had some moments that might have made me feel dissenting, especially on in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy, but the general gist of the speech regarding cultural ills was relevant. Instead of vague platitudes about you can accomplish anything in the world, he gave a reassuring message to the audience that women who give birth are valid in their decision to be mothers while men are needed beyond just being sperm donors. These are not controversial positions to most people, but many young people leaving college may wonder what to do next once they become pressured to find more serious employment than their part-time job or when they decide that a lower-paying profession that is more personally fulfilling is the way to go. Just because mentoring young people as part of the clergy is a worthwhile pastime doesn’t mean it comes with the glamour of modern celebrities of TikTok. His speech also doesn’t suggest that women embrace a Handmaid’s Tale model of life or that men suddenly lose their right to show their emotional capacity as fathers to their children.

            In response to the speech, most likely due to the swipes at hot button issues such as DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and criticizing the Catholic President Joe Biden for being hypocritical in his devotion to the life of the unborn, Hills gave a profanity laced rant stating that he should “stay in his f**king lane” and that speaking on his faith in that setting should be grounds for termination. While one could assume that she’s just bitter about being an ex-employee of the Kansas City Chiefs during the height of their stardom, one can also get the feeling that she genuinely is angry at his politics versus just being spiteful about being losing work. It’s not what she says that strikes at the heart of what makes white liberal women irritating, it’s how she comes across.

            When framing her video for TikTok, she does several sudden stops with poses that are supposed to be either decorative or meaningful (they are neither), but they come across as condescending, when giving her spiel. She also attempts to compare her former position to Butker’s position as a football player, the latter being more important than the former. The Chiefs can operationally function without cheerleaders, but the cheerleaders wouldn’t have a platform without the Chiefs. The only cheerleaders that could possibly make an apples-to-apples comparison with the football team are the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders and that’s because the selection criteria for entry is as cutthroat for the women as the football team is for the men. If Hills finds the center-left politics of the Kansas City Chiefs hard with coach Andy Reid and football players/personalities such as Travis Kelce, Patrick Mahomes, and Taylor Swift, what would Hills think about having to compete against tougher competition from women who train harder in the Bible Belt from coaches and management who put up with even less chicanery? With all due respect, they would metaphorically eat her alive in the competition.

            This is all to suggest that Hills is fighting a losing battle trying to compare her importance to the Kansas City Chiefs as somehow comparable to Butker’s when she would be one of the reasons why people would turn away from the team. They would go to her social media, find her rambling, see her connection with the team, and cut the ties with the cheerleaders at least. It is sad when the most reasonable response between her and Whoopi Goldberg on The View is Whoopi defending his speech as his personal beliefs that should be protected. She obviously disagreed with the speech, but she wasn’t calling for the Catholic man to shut up about his faith because it made her upset.

Sources: Ex-Chiefs cheerleader goes scorched earth on Harrison Butker (

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