Chromatic, 6-16-2024, The Difference Between A Good Candidacy And A Gimmick (Placating To The Freedom Caucus and Identity Politics)

This week I’m finding myself being overtly critical of the fringe right (which does not represent the majority of Republicans) and the left in the same breath for no other reason than the media headlines are picking up and the fodder is there to write about. In this particular case, Jerone Davison (R-AZ) is promising to be the first African-American member of the Freedom Caucus, a distinction that is not going to cause the fringe in Arizona who back people like Wendy Rogers to calm down nor is it going to quell the accusations from the left about how this is flagrant tokenism for the purpose of political pandering. However, beyond the gimmick that this declaration actually is, I would propose a slightly modified response to what I think this is beyond political pandering: reckless framing of the GOP.

            Like I’ve said before, I’m a staunch Republican and am voting Republican up and down the ballot. I made that declaration despite my legitimate grievances with Donald Trump and I am intent on following through with them. However, Davison’s campaign comes across like a grift when it promotes the message that he’d be the first African-American member of the Freedom Caucus. I’m not to going to put the ideologies of the members of the Freedom Caucus at fault or in the clear, but leave them on the side by saying that I don’t believe that there would be any complaints from any of the members about a black Republican joining their ranks. Usually, whenever there are black Republicans in Congress, they tend to be more moderate and establishmentarian in nature owing to the greater social support from the center along with the tendency for the most evangelical members of the black Republican coalition to go beyond the scope of normally accepted dialogue.

            One can look at Mark Burns (R-SC) in South Carolina who has insinuated death for allegations of treason in one of the most hateful series of comments from a Trump-endorsed political candidate in a while. There was the worry about Jarome Bell (R-VA) who nearly cost the Virginia GOP the 2nd Congressional District in 2022 against then-Congresswoman Elaine Luria (D-VA). One can look at comments from Candace Owens, the Hodge Twins, and the cavalcade of other controversial comments that would make someone unelectable from a mainstream GOP perspective, even from the stance of a Freedom Caucus member, become glaring. This isn’t to suggest that African-American Republicans can’t win elections, but they win those elections by doing what other groups of Republicans do by placating to the center. Bragging about your identity as a minority with the most rightward group of lawmakers, especially after the “lawmaking” session of the 118th Congress where that group can be blamed partially for the disorder in the chamber along with progressives, is not the flex that you think it is.

            Finally, it is also disingenuously offering red meat to the Democratic spin doctors who are going to imply that Republicans don’t allow black Republicans into their most revered ideological echo chambers. That would be a lie and a deflection from the very real snubbing that black Republicans get from the Congressional Black Caucus staffed entirely by congressional Democrats, but the left-leaning media will be quick to peddle whatever drivel can pass the bare minimum of reporting. It makes the individuals in the Freedom Caucus, whatever you make think of them, look bad for the wrong reason. Whereas one can criticize the Freedom Caucus for bad policy, prescribing bad motives to them based on unfounded premises is a poor nod to them when saying that you want to join them. Then again, some candidacies are disingenuously grifting for the applause of those who want their internal biases confirmed. As a Republican, my concern is winning and Jerone Davison doesn’t seem to be the guy who can flip Arizona’s 4th Congressional District if this is his only argument for being the nominee.

Sources: Jerone Davison Declares Intention to be First Black Member of House Freedom Caucus – Big League Politics

Pro-Trump Pastor Wants LGBTQ ‘Indoctrinators’ Executed for Treason – Newsweek

Republican Who Wanted People Killed Over Election Fraud Loses Primary – Newsweek

Daily Wire CEO Blasts Candace Owens Over ‘Christ Is King’ Refrain: ‘You Are a Blasphemer and an Antisemite and a Piece of Crap’ ( (This is an older article, but mentions Owens’ use of Nick Fuentes’ favorite quote to use.)

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