Chromatic, 5-12-2024, The Eurovision “I’m A Witch” Clip In Context (A Discussion On Uniqueness)

Does it surprise anyone that I’m not a big Eurovision fan given the fact that I’m an American who listens to mostly incomprehensible guttural vocals that is occasionally classified as music? No? That’s good. There is a new video coming from Eurovision that has Irish contestants dressed in what looks like pagan dressings and has one of them screaming into the microphone about how they are unique because they are “queer” and a “witch”. Whether or not the last comment is supposed to be taken as an edgy retort uttered by a young adult seeking validation or a candid admission … Continue reading Chromatic, 5-12-2024, The Eurovision “I’m A Witch” Clip In Context (A Discussion On Uniqueness)

Chromatic, 5-5-2024, Far-Left Protestors At Ole Miss Meet Potentially Racist Frat Bros (Who Is The Public Supposed To Root For Here?)

Occam’s Razor exists for a reason: to dispel absurd conspiratorial notions in favor of simpler explanations and to prevent normal people from going down the rabbit hole of reasons why blank event happened. For instance, one can imagine that the reason why someone didn’t get a second date might have more to do with the fact they were unemployed and asked the other person to cover the tab versus their date being hateful and/or being a government plant. Nevertheless, there are fewer clear examples that come through in the social sphere where one has to question the motives behind a … Continue reading Chromatic, 5-5-2024, Far-Left Protestors At Ole Miss Meet Potentially Racist Frat Bros (Who Is The Public Supposed To Root For Here?)

Chromatic, 5-5-2024, DC Homos Mocks The Death Of Four Law Enforcement Officers In Mecklenburg County, NC (How It Makes People Perceive LGBT Individuals)

To say that the LGBT wing of politics is left-leaning would be a drastic understatement: the horseshoe theory in American politics somehow allow “Gays for Palestine” to somehow manifest despite the fact that the average gay person would be executed by the Palestinian Authority. Nevertheless, there was a tasteless retweet from another left-wing LGBT page called DC Homos that reposted a generic “F**k The Police” sticker they were selling with the slogan ACAB in a hashtag. The slogan is short for “All Cops Are Bastards”, usually indicating that the person who is ushering the phrase is prone to far-left political … Continue reading Chromatic, 5-5-2024, DC Homos Mocks The Death Of Four Law Enforcement Officers In Mecklenburg County, NC (How It Makes People Perceive LGBT Individuals)

Chromatic, 4-28-2024, A Clumsy Explanation Of O.J. Simpson’s Legacy On CNN (A Rant)

In case you missed the news, O.J. Simpson recently passed away to the public offering generally negative perceptions of his legacy on this Earth. While he was a noted athlete, the murder trial of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman and subsequent acquittal led to him avoiding a lengthy fate in prison for the rest of his life in the 1990s, but the general feeling among the common populace was that justice was not served. There have even been several social media memes and jokes about the trial including the glove, the importance of having a high-powered lawyer, and the general … Continue reading Chromatic, 4-28-2024, A Clumsy Explanation Of O.J. Simpson’s Legacy On CNN (A Rant)

Chromatic, 4-14-2024, The Unflattering Story Coming From Illescas, Spain (Difficult Material Mentioned)

Whenever people wonder why there aren’t that many LGBT politicians, the response that can be offered can be explained in a series of predicated points: the politicians that usually are elected are either attempting to placate to the religious right so they are discovered to be gay after the fact and aren’t accepted as normal or are part of the left and become embroiled in some scandal that is unbecoming of a scandal. In the case of George Santos, he was a strange outlier that managed to escape both characterizations, but New York Republicans still wouldn’t want to be expelled … Continue reading Chromatic, 4-14-2024, The Unflattering Story Coming From Illescas, Spain (Difficult Material Mentioned)

Chromatic, 4-14-2024, Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) Suggests No Taxes For Black Americans In Place Of Reparations (Pandering During Election Time)

Whenever people hear the term “reparations”, the general sentiment is an eyeroll. In addition to being an overwhelmingly expensive program to put forward to taxpayers, the question has always been asked to whom the tax is given and to whom is the payment offered. While I have always been under the assumption that the U.S. government would siphon most of the taxes taken from reparations to pay off its debt, giving scraps to the intended recipients, there is no general consensus over who the guilty and non-guilty parties are other than trying to blame all white people for the suffering … Continue reading Chromatic, 4-14-2024, Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) Suggests No Taxes For Black Americans In Place Of Reparations (Pandering During Election Time)

General Banter #186, Charlie Kirk Complains About Women In Their 30s, A Gay Man Risked His And Many Others’ Safety In Qatar Using Grindr

I would start a “this week in stupid” knock-off series for the blog, but where exactly I would get my dingers would be uncertain. Would I get my hot takes from the MAGA sycophants who don’t seem to come out during general elections and then cry about lost elections? Would I get my hot takes from the progressives because they’ve run out of faux things to be outraged over? For this week though, I have a couple of stories that should balance the dumb categories fairly well. Charlie Kirk has suggested that women who are in their 30s are past … Continue reading General Banter #186, Charlie Kirk Complains About Women In Their 30s, A Gay Man Risked His And Many Others’ Safety In Qatar Using Grindr

Strange Numbers #309, Aaron Connelly’s Extravagant Budget Living In New York City (Unrelatable And Unnecessary For Most Struggling People)

In the wake of rising costs of living, whether or not it’s correctly or incorrectly labeled inflationary, the lifestyles of the rich and famous can come across rather posh in comparison compared to the lower class struggling to avoid homelessness and hunger. According to a video from the TikTok account @aaronwconnelly, his bills have risen to $1,403.98 per month before accounting for rent, food, and other necessities. However, while this thousand per month isn’t the most lavish splurge that you’ve read about, it is lavish when reading about what the man is spending his money on. Spending his money on … Continue reading Strange Numbers #309, Aaron Connelly’s Extravagant Budget Living In New York City (Unrelatable And Unnecessary For Most Struggling People)

Chromatic, 2-25-2024, Looking Back At The 2007 Flag Submissions For Kosovo (And Context Why They Might Not Have Been Chosen)

Nostalgia isn’t the healthiest emotion to fixate on as it can prevent future growth and limit openness to opportunities that might be fulfilling, even if challenging later on. However, sometimes it’s fun to go back in time and look at remnants of the past and the 2007 flag submissions for the then-newly independent Republic of Kosovo is no exception. When looking at some of the designs that the people of Kosovo sent in, they were shocking by the level of derivativeness that they were to the Albanian flag which Albania rests right next door. This isn’t necessarily too surprising given … Continue reading Chromatic, 2-25-2024, Looking Back At The 2007 Flag Submissions For Kosovo (And Context Why They Might Not Have Been Chosen)

Chromatic, 2-25-2024, The Houthis Crack Down On Their Own Citizens While Americans Concern Themselves With Feigned And Posh Outrage

The Democratic Socialists of America recently decided that they were going to hold a gathering in support of the Houthis, the group in Yemen that was recently re-declared a terrorist organization and who have been responsible for making global commerce more difficult around the Red Sea because of their attacks on shipping. One never accused the DSA as part of the far left of being particularly bright or inspired by individuals that would reciprocally support them, but the Yemenis are returning the favor anyway and decided to execute nine gay men in the last week. The radio silence from the … Continue reading Chromatic, 2-25-2024, The Houthis Crack Down On Their Own Citizens While Americans Concern Themselves With Feigned And Posh Outrage