State Legislative Politics, 6-23-2024, George Norcross (D-NJ) Indicted On Racketeering Charges & The Greater Effect On New Jersey Politics

There’s being effective at dismantling the old Democratic Party machinery that picked and chose winners, and then there’s the year 2024 cratering the remainder of what is considered (un)holy ground in New Jersey politics. There was recently the indictment made against power broker George Norcross (D-NJ) and several others related to his circle on racketeering charges, something that immediately diminishes the power of his ability to sway state politics. For those that don’t know, Norcross has pulled the strings in South Jersey politics for the better part of a decade and more, so his collapse would leave the New Jersey … Continue reading State Legislative Politics, 6-23-2024, George Norcross (D-NJ) Indicted On Racketeering Charges & The Greater Effect On New Jersey Politics

Foreign Politics, 6-23-2024, Are We Seeing Canada and the United Kingdom Swapping Disastrous Elections? (Comparisons To The 1993 Canadian and 2019 United Kingdom Elections)

For the better part of the last few decades, British and Canadian politics have all been trending in similar ways when looking at political systems and election results. Ignoring the fever pitch of 2019 which may have been brought on by the unique unpopularity of Jeremy Corbyn as the Labour leader in the U.K., the last few rounds of polling are suggesting that Canada could be heading for a 2019 type of blowout unseen in its political history since the rise of Stephen Harper. Similarly, the upcoming election in the United Kingdom could spell the hypothetical end of the Tory … Continue reading Foreign Politics, 6-23-2024, Are We Seeing Canada and the United Kingdom Swapping Disastrous Elections? (Comparisons To The 1993 Canadian and 2019 United Kingdom Elections)

Late Week Election Round-Up, 6-23-2024, Updates on House, Senate, Governor, and Presidential Elections

There have been numerous updates regarding the House, Senate, Gubernatorial, and Presidential races happening in the past few weeks worth discussing. In the House, Democrats are attempting to search for straws in pinning down Republican House representatives leading to some reaching in their descriptions. Also, the DCCC’s expenditures in Democratic seats is eclipsing Republican seats despite more pick-up opportunities suggesting weakness nationally. In the Senate, the situation for the Democrats across the country is worsening as competitive races that weren’t supposed to be competitive are dragging resources away from target seats and into familiar territory. In the gubernatorial races, some … Continue reading Late Week Election Round-Up, 6-23-2024, Updates on House, Senate, Governor, and Presidential Elections

The Best Man, 4-28-2024, Levar Stoney (D-VA) Drops His Gubernatorial Bid, Decides To Run For Lieutenant Governor Of Virginia In 2025 Instead

The clearing of the Democratic field for Virginia Governor in 2025 has been swift and brutal, so much to the point that Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) may not face any competition at all. Her main competition, term-limited mayor Levar Stoney (D-VA), has recently announced his intention to run for Lieutenant Governor instead of Governor given the polling showing Spanberger with a double-digit lead and the lack of major candidates running in the LG race. This comes as the Republicans will have to find a new Lieutenant Governor if Winsome Sears (R-VA) decides to run for the open gubernatorial spot instead of … Continue reading The Best Man, 4-28-2024, Levar Stoney (D-VA) Drops His Gubernatorial Bid, Decides To Run For Lieutenant Governor Of Virginia In 2025 Instead

Foreign Politics, 4-21-2024, Updates On Austria, Germany, Israel, South Korea, and South Africa

There have been multiple updates regarding electoral politics from around the world that are worth commenting on. In Austria, the fate of the governing coalition in the federal government could come down to two parties that wouldn’t otherwise be thought of as serious political parties determining the balance of power. In Germany, the Alternative for Deutschland party is officially starting to come down from it’s sugar high after various European parties of similar types announced that they couldn’t work with them or distanced themselves. In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu would be poised to lose the next parliamentary election if it were … Continue reading Foreign Politics, 4-21-2024, Updates On Austria, Germany, Israel, South Korea, and South Africa

The House Always Wins, 4-14-2024, Updates From New Jersey’s 8th Congressional District Primary (and Possible Gubernatorial Primary Match-Ups)

While Bob Menendez, Sr. is dealing with his own legal troubles and potential vanity bid for the Senate that will grift New Jersians for funds in exchange for money to finance his legal defense fund, I mean, his Senate campaign, his son Robert Menendez is facing a spirited primary of his own from Ravi Bhalla (D-NJ) which is well-funded and encouraged by some who are already frustrated by the former’s nepotic rise to Congress. The two men should be characterized as different entities until otherwise proven connected in any meaningful way as the sins of the father don’t implicate the … Continue reading The House Always Wins, 4-14-2024, Updates From New Jersey’s 8th Congressional District Primary (and Possible Gubernatorial Primary Match-Ups)

The Judge, 4-14-2024, Ann Walsh Bradley (D-WI) Is Retiring From The Wisconsin Supreme Court

There has recently been a massive shake-up for the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2025 with the announcement that Ann Walsh Bradley, one of the liberal justices on the court, announcing that she would retire instead of seeking another term. This comes as the GOP has former Attorney General Brad Schimel (R-WI) running for the position even though the position is technically non-partisan. With the court split evenly between the two factions (conservative vs. liberal), this seat will decide the fate of the balance of the court until the next scheduled elections when the balance will once again be tested. Given … Continue reading The Judge, 4-14-2024, Ann Walsh Bradley (D-WI) Is Retiring From The Wisconsin Supreme Court

2025 Gubernatorial Election Predictions, 3-31-2024, Updates On New Jersey and Virginia

There have been new updates in the races for Governor in 2025 coming out of New Jersey and Virginia. In New Jersey, the prospect of the county line being abolished by the Andy Kim lawsuit looms large over both parties’ primaries as Democrats prepare for a potentially messy and sprawling primary while Republicans hope to avoid choosing a caustic nominee who would cost them the governorship for another eight years. This also comes as multiple time candidate Jack Ciatterelli (R-NJ) is planning on entering the race after much anticipation about his entry setting his campaign against moderate Jon Bramnick (R-NJ). … Continue reading 2025 Gubernatorial Election Predictions, 3-31-2024, Updates On New Jersey and Virginia

Late Week Election Round-Up, 2-25-2024, Updates On The Governor, House, and Senate Elections

There have been multiple stories developing regarding the Governor and Senate elections that are worth discussing along with some extra stories along the way that will round out the week. The Senate GOP is continuing to get it’s preferred results regarding candidate recruitment with discouraging some candidates from running while getting others to successfully run instead. In the governorships, the positioning ahead of 2025 and 2026 is going full steam ahead as the elections this year promise to attract attention with the presidential election (so far) being a close affair. We’ll see what happens as the year progresses onward, so … Continue reading Late Week Election Round-Up, 2-25-2024, Updates On The Governor, House, and Senate Elections

Foreign Politics, 2-11-2024, Updates to Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel/Palestine, Portugal, and Turkey

There have been several new updates regarding global politics that are worth discussing. In Australia, the next general election that is set to be held in 2025 has Labor narrowly ahead in the two-party preferred vote (they use ranked-choice voting) with about 52% of the vote compared to 48% for the Liberal/Nationals. In Canada, the Conservatives are maintaining their advantage in the polling as the Liberals and the New Democrats are remaining stagnant in the low 20% in the range. In Germany, the backlash against the AfD has resulted in a cease of momentum for the right-wing party as their … Continue reading Foreign Politics, 2-11-2024, Updates to Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel/Palestine, Portugal, and Turkey